Gd evening ppl~ well, its nite atm! hehe...
First of all i wanted to say happy new year to everyone! 2009 Ya'll! well, nothing much tho, just that i am goin to miss 2008. too much memories, ups and down of life and whatever it is.
i wonder how 2009 will be? will everything be okay? will something came up? 2009 will be my second semester in ITB ( Inda Tahan Beranti School) *LOL* my exams will come up, my attachment, my test, common skills results and bla..bla..bla..this is a student life kan?
Atm i feels like i wanna say sorry to everyone, if i have been harsh, rude, or whatever it is...SORRY yea? ppl made, everything comes with a reason..i miss my bestest friend too...and everyone who noes me indeed. I miss hangin out with u guys tho~ hee...
oh birthday this year? it's just simple and quiet! less CAKES...*hint2* but i got my dream Phones.*thanx* it! this year wish will be SLR cam..hehe..Pls!! =p alryt2...enough of it...
back to real life...i went to jungle gym with my aunts yesterday. We sat down while checking their kids playing,they talk about life...20 years to come what will happen to them...since now nada lagi bonus except for the militants. *gosh* i even are we gona survive when we become pensioner..Own business? yes. if we got capital. just relax at hum? i don't think so..Then, i guess...we just depend at our children..agree? i do! hopefully, life in the next 20 years won't be that complicated! or else...*sigh* i love Brunei anyhow, so moral of the story is...SAVE A LOAD WHILE U CAN PPL!!!
well, its part of life kan...bear with it and jgn lupa berdoa kepadanya..=)
5 years ago
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